8 Tips When Using Incontinence Products
August 5, 2022

Incontinence is a condition wherein a person has the involuntary leakage of urine or stool. It can be a source of embarrassment and can cause social isolation.

While the products available can help manage incontinence, it is essential to know how to use them properly to maximize their effectiveness. Here are 8 tips when using incontinence products:

1. Choose the right product for your needs

Many different types of incontinence products are available on the market, so selecting the one that will work best for you is essential. If you are unsure which product to choose, consult a healthcare professional.

Incontinence products can come from pads, underwear, or diapers. Pads are placed inside regular underwear and are best for light leakage. On the other hand, underwear is designed specifically for incontinence and has a built-in absorbent pad. Diapers are the most absorbent product and are best for heavy leakage.

2. Change your incontinence product regularly

Changing your incontinence product regularly is essential, even if you are not leaking. This will help prevent skin irritation and infections. Depending on your product type, you may need to change it every few hours or after each bowel movement.

3. Wash your skin daily

If you are using an incontinence product, it is essential to wash your skin daily. This will help prevent skin irritation and infections. Use mild soap and warm water. Avoid scented soaps, lotions, or powders, as these can irritate the skin.

4. Check for leaks

After you put on an incontinence product, check for leaks. If there are any leaks, adjust the product or try a different type of product.

5. Seek medical help if needed

If you have trouble managing your incontinence with products, seek medical help. There are many treatment options available that can help you manage your condition.

6. Follow the instructions carefully.

Be sure to read the instructions on using the product before using it. Incorrect usage can result in leaks or skin irritation.

7. Store products properly

When not in use, store incontinence products in a cool, dry place. Do not store them in direct sunlight or heat as this can damage the product.

8. Dispose of products properly

After use, dispose of incontinence products properly. Place them in a bag and tie them up before placing them in the trash. Do not flush them down the toilet as this can clog the pipes.


Incontinence is a condition that can be embarrassing and cause social isolation. However, there are ways to manage it using incontinence products. Choosing the right product for your needs and changing it regularly is essential. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and dispose of the products properly. If you are having trouble managing your incontinence, seek medical help.